How Sandwich Generation Cope with Long Term Care

The increasing rate in long term care services does not only threaten seniors and baby boomers as they are the frequent victims of the price increase; it alarms millions of the “sandwich generation”—both young and old. The sandwich generation simply refers to individuals who are expected to provide support for aging parents or loved ones. Whether it sounds as a curse or not, surely, there will be no person who would wish to include on that list particularly in this vacillating economy.

The staggering economy worsens the already tremendous scenario—seniors are slaving themselves to limited retirement savings, and their children are to carry the load filled with remorse that they should’ve planned earlier. After they have trumped college, now they are faced with much bigger responsibilities with their parents.

There’s a tough transition from being a “spoiled” child to an adult who has to look after an aging parent. For some, they consider using their retirement savings and cutting back retirement plans, but this move can literally results to “exhaustion.” This can give temporary solution, but the result is enduring.


Here  are some ways that give best results:

Looking at long term care insurance — Discuss this with your parents. Long term care insurance covers a lot of services both medical and non-medical, depending on your parents needs, and the daily benefits can be customized to meet such needs.

Considering adult day care — Those who had quit their jobs and chose to provide care to their parents turned sour over their wrong decision. If you quit your job, you will lose monthly income that might be used for your parents’ care. Enrolling them in adult day care is worth a try 🙂

Ask your employer of there are care-giving benefits –– Some big corporations and companies offer caregiving benefits to its employees. Be quick to ask your boss!

Ask about care-giving benefits at work

Some large employers offer elder-care service locators or other care-giving support as an employee benefit. And you can find out if your parents are eligible for federal, state and other benefits through

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